Monthly Archives: March, 2015

Good grief, is that the time? I’ve been gone for ages!!

I’m not the world’s worst blogger, but after seeing how long it’s been since my last post, I may deserve the title of “World’s Second Worst Blogger”

It’s not that I don’t enjoy this pastime, the complete opposite is actually true….I just feel obligated to have something exciting to report to my three regular readers (Auntie Colleen, the Cat and some very nice person in the Los Feliz area) to warrant their ongoing support.

It would be so much easier if he'd be a back seat driver.

It would be so much easier if he was a back seat driver.

Fortunately they are in luck (although with said cat staring at the computer as I type, there is additional pressure to make this entry both interesting and typo free (extremely difficult when feline’s head seems to be constantly moving in time to the Stereophonics track playing in the background), as the automotive updates are considerable.

In no particular order –

Copperstate 2015.  We’re in!! Again!!  Woohoo, I AM Penelope Pitstop!!!  Navigationally challenged cousin has already booked his flight from England and I’m considering purchasing socks with L & R stitched into them to help with this year’s map reading.  Or, glue the map book to my arm in a slightly McGuyver fashion whilst he recounts stories of all the really interesting things he can see out of the window that are totally irrelevant to our journey.  Better still, it’s 25th anniversary for the event, so an extra driving day has been added.  What more could a girl ask for?!

Talking of anniversaries –  The Egg and I hit a pretty impressive milestone in the past few months, as we’re both 50.  I know this to be true as I treated her to a certificate of authenticity last year, and I had a big party this past January.  Happy to report that other than minor modifications for each of us (she’s been painted a couple of times since new, I now consider the hair salon a necessity rather than an option), we’re both essentially factory originals.  Can’t help feeling the gap will start to widen in her favour over the next few years, but c’est la vie!

Badger hats?  Just call me an early adopter ;)

Badger hats? Just call me an early adopter 😉

Following Copperstate 2014, I planned to start fixing some of the more cosmetic issues (after all, we are – sorry, SHE IS 50).  Fortunately our Egg Doctor decided to check her in case any other problems may have appeared following the 1000 miles we added to the engine.  After a thorough examination he subsequently made an executive decision to replace the kingpins, due to concern there was just a little too much play as we took the corners.  Knowing enough to appreciate the importance of a round hole versus an oval where this particular car part is concerned, I was only too happy to support the plan.  Once I had the keys back, I was completely overjoyed….because, I love The Egg; and have forced my closer friends to suffer the song I wrote to celebrate this particular fact.

It’s a simple song, consisting of that one line repeated over and over, at the top of my voice with no discernible note in tune and clearly I should not be giving up my day job anytime soon.  On the drive back from Torrence, I not only sang this catchy little number, but had added enough choruses to justify a 12″ extended remix with possibly a second version from Mark Ronson chucked in for good measure…the difference was INCREDIBLE.

Faster, more responsive, no slight wandering irrespective of speed or road surface, she now glides round the corners better than I could ever have imagined.  It’s as if I have my own Outlaw – a brand new car in a vintage body.  The Egg Doctor assured me she was now bullet proof, and with every additional mile I’ve added since; he’s been proven 110% correct.  The only thing stopping me from considering more road trips is finding people to join me, as this car is unstoppable!!!

Additional highlights of  the past few months also included a couple of fantastic driving events by the most exciting addition to the automotive magazine world; Petrolicious.  If you are not familiar, please check them out at – as the variety of articles, information and fabulous car photos are superb.  Better still, they not only like to write about driving, they’re happy to organize it for the rest of us!  I’ll expand on both events in future posts, but in the meantime – please give them some support.

Maximus Felines is now sitting asleep next to me, so I’m tentatively hopeful he considers my return to the digital age worthwhile. Auntie Colleen is currently asleep in England (& ” you know how much I hate those computer things, so don’t forget to post me a copy”), so thanks in advance my dear Los Feliz reader and I hope this made you smile.